Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Life will prevail

Spring - a time of renewal, rebirth and new life. The earth comes alive again, the air is fresh and new, birds sing, flowers bloom, the grass is green again, the earth explodes with color.

As I sit here and reflect in the quietness of the early morning, I can see the sun rise and hear the birds sing.  I know that all is well with the world, even in the midst of all that is happening.  I think about what the disciples must have felt all those years ago the morning AFTER the crucifixion.  The sun still rose, they were still alive, the earth didn't stop moving, birds didn't stop their singing but did any of that really matter to them, or did they even notice -  their beloved Lord, teacher, leader, friend and brother was still dead and nothing could change that.  I am sure to them, in a sense, life as they knew it was dead too, but God had a bigger plan.

It is hard to imagine what life must have been like back then.  Perhaps they were in shock, disbelief, bewilderment.  "Did this really happen, or was it all a bad dream?"  - much the same way we feel when some sort of disaster or tragedy happens in life.  I try to stop and think what it must have been like to have been there - they had devoted the last 3 years of their lives - and gave up everything they knew - to follow THIS man, sent from heaven, the promised Messiah and now he was just GONE. They must have felt like their lives were over too and could never get back what they had lost.

I am sure we have all felt that sense of loss or tragedy at some point in our lives.
I know the sorrow of losing a friend and loved one.  Perhaps the first time really ever felt a loss so real was when my papaw died, the summer of 88 right before I started my senior year of high school. Although his death was "expected", for he had suffered strokes for several years,  it still felt like a dream, like I was in a fog.  And seeing him lying there so peaceful in his coffin with that silly Cincinnati Reds chicken that my sweet little cousin had given him was just about too much to handle. My entire life - 17 years - was spent going to Granny and Papaw's house at least one a week.  Seeing him in his overalls, top hat and wing tip shoes, trudging out to the garden, sitting in his recliner eating his cornbread and buttermilk (at least 3 times a day), smiling and pointing his finger at you, man of few words, yet so loved by many.  My entire life everyone that knew my grandparents, whether they were family or not, knew them only as Granny and Papaw Montgomery.  They didn't have first names - Granny and Papaw were their names and defined who they were and how loved they were by so many people.  Even though this was a sad time, I knew it was not the end because I WOULD see him again some day because of what Jesus did on the cross so many years ago and then rose again 3 days later.

But the disciples didn't know that peace yet because Jesus had not yet come back and how could he come back again - He was dead. They didn't have the peace in knowing they would see Him again - because they just couldn't understand or comprehend what had just happened. BUT God's perfect work was not yet finished.  And what the disciples didn't know (but that we know now), was that God had a bigger surprise waiting for them just on the other side of a new sunrise.

So as we anticipate the celebration of our risen Savior on Easter Sunday, ponder today what life must have been like for the disciples and how lost, scared, lonely, confused, and uncertain about what life would be like without Jesus by their side EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Today, we can thank God that we do not have to ponder what life is like without Jesus by our side every day.  He is ALWAYS with us because HE is alive in the hearts of all believers who choose to trust in Him.  And we have so many reminders today that he is still with us, especially at this time of year.

Easter not only constantly reminds me of our Savior and the life He gives, but I am also constantly reminded of my beloved Granny and Papaw - and ALL the Easter Sunday afternoons spent with family and hunting Easter eggs on Pershing Street.  And it never failed that we always took an Easter pic under the dogwood tree in the front yard.  As I see these trees blooming each year, all those memories of my childhood with Granny and Papaw flood my mind, and I just have to smile.  The tree that also signifies life as I knew it, also signifies the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross - with its blooms of pink and white that have 4 petals apiece, in the shape of the crose with "red stained indentations"  - symbolizing the nail pierced hands and feet of Jesus Christ as he bled and died on the cross - not just for my sins but for the sins of the WHOLE world.

The legend of the dogwood" Canvas Print by andreaanderegg | Redbubble

These are uncertain times.  We are living out something that most of us never thought we would see in our lifetime - pandemic, quarantines, schools and businesses closed, families are separated due to travel restrictions, stay at home orders in place, essential healthcare workers putting their lives on the line every day.  Life gets crazy and the world may be a scary place, but with the love of a Savior who sacrificed everything to bring new life - ALL can be right in the world again, and life will prevail.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

It is well with my soul

"When Peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll, 
Whatever my lot, 
THOU has taught me
 to say, 
It is well, it is well with my soul."

The words of this old hymn floods my mind today.  We don't know what life will throw at us or if we are even promised tomorrow.  This NOVEL virus is spreading like wild fire across the nation and the world.  People are sick and dying, students are out of school, businesses are closing, people are unable to work, bills have to be paid, people need food and shelter, health care workers and emergency personnel are putting themselves on the front line every day to stop the spread of illness.

Just last night I was reminded how quickly life can change and how my job as an "essential health care" employee is so crucial in providing care for others whose families cannot care for them or even visit them when they are sick.  I am blessed to feel as if I am doing something for the benefit of others, without thought of the risk to myself and my family.  I know that I am making a difference in this world and for that I am grateful.

I have a husband who loves me, a house to provide shelter and safety, transportation, 6 wonderful children - 4 of whom are already making their own way in the world, 2 parents who are alive and well - and just a phone call away, 2 sisters who can be there for my parents when I can't due to the time and distance between us, wonderful in-laws who offer prayer support from 4 states away, a wonderful church family who has become our family - since we have no immediate family close by, a coast to coast extended Navy family who shares a bond like no other because of our children's commitment to serve and protect, and a Savior who loves me and will never leave nor forsake me. 

Yes the world is a dangerous place, and we are living in a time of great unrest and uncertainty, but we cannot live in fear and worry.  We must continue on, and we must put our trust in the one who can take away all our fear, doubt, worry, and unrest.  We must look to the ONE and ONLY ONE who can give us the PEACE that passes ALL understanding - Jesus Christ, the RISEN savior. 

He is the reason ALL is WELL with my soul.

"Therefore as the elect of God, HOLY and BELOVED, put on tender mercies, kindess, humility, meekness, longsuffering, bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.
But above ALL these things, put on LOVE which is the bond of perfection.
And let the PEACE of GOD rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body and
Colossians 3:12-15

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Prayer changes things and LOVE conquers ALL things

I have been inspired by a friend and sister Navy Mom to sit down and write down some thoughts again to share - after several years.  Instead of starting with a new post, I found this old unfinished post - not even sure when I originally wrote it, but I couldn't have come up with better words to say than what I have already written and not yet published.  My life has changed so drastically since these words were first penned and our family has grown and experienced so much life and change that I wouldn't know where to begin to catch up.  BUT God and HIS word NEVER changes - He is the same today as He was when time began and He created the whole world, this beautiful GREAT BIG world that we get the privilege to call our temporary home, until God calls us to be with him in Heaven. 

These are scary and uncertain times, we may not know what tomorrow holds, BUT we know who holds tomorrow.  So as I once again sit here in the stillness of the early morning as my family continues to sleep and rest, I will rest in the fact of knowing that God is still on His throne, He is still in control, that NOTHING that is happening has taken Him by surprise and HE will give us the strength to endure.  This thing they call COVID-19 may have caused many places in the world to shut down and "close shop" for a while but God's door is ALWAYS open to anyone who enters into His presence.  He is still in the business of doing miracles, and He will have the glory and the final say in what happens next. 

So as I sit here in the darkest hour of the day, just before the dawn, I will sing praises to God in my heart and thank him for the many blessing He has bestowed upon me and my family: LIFE, a loving husband of 26+ years, 6 wonderful children - 4 of whom are making their own way in the world, a safe home and shelter, time with family, home cooked meals (which I haven't had the time to do lately with school and work), time around the kitchen table, being able to connect with friends and family through technology, fresh air, the Word of God, Jesus Christ the savior of the world - just to name a few.

Even in the midst of the storms of life, God continues to bless us and keep us safe.  I pray safety, health and happiness on all who read this today.  Please let me know how I can pray for you.

In the Love of Jesus,
Mother Hubbard

My original unpublished post from several years ago (not even sure how long it has been):

You know as I sit here in the stillness and quietness of the day, I am reminded of a couple of things. First of all PRAYER CHANGES THINGS and the power of LOVE - TRUE LOVE that only comes from the grace and forgiveness through Jesus Christ - conquers and overcomes  ALL things!!!  In the midst of what is happening in today's world and what society views as right/wrong, good/evil, normal/deviant, etc, I am reminded that if we as Christians would do as we are called to do and SERIOUSLY commit to praying and seeking GOD on ALL things, no matter how big or small, and commit to living OUR lives the way God has called us to live and to LIVE out our faith not just talk about it, that we would see the intervening hand of GOD empowering us to do the one thing that is most important and the MAIN thing we are called to do as CHRISTIANS - SHARE THE GOSPEL IN LOVE to the world around us living in darkness and dying in sin.

2 Chronicles 7:14  Says "If MY people who are called by MY name will HUMBLE themselves and PRAY, and SEEK MY face and TURN from their wicked ways, THEN I WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN AND FORGIVE THEIR SIN and HEAL THEIR LAND." 

We are also told in Philippians 4:6-7  "Be anxious for NOTHING, but in EVERYTHING with PRAYER and supplication, make your requests be KNOWN to God and the PEACE of God which SURPASSES ALL understanding will GUARD your Hearts  AND Minds through Christ Jesus."

You see without knowing Jesus in the first place and without praying to God to ask for  forgiveness for our own sin, we cannot even begin to help others know the power of love and forgiveness that only comes through a personal relationship with HIM.  Jesus is our PERFECT example of what it means to LOVE and FORGIVE, He even took the time to PRAY and show us how to pray so that we could change the world through HIM and the power of LOVE. 

Now don't get me wrong.  I am in no way saying that Christians are perfect and do not sin, because we are NOT perfect and SIN  EVERYDAY. The only PERFECT person to ever live was Jesus Christ and even He faced temptations, YET he NEVER sinned.  But the bible tells us we will not be tempted more that we can handle and when we are tempted there is ALWAYS a way out of sin.

1 Corinthians10:13 "No temptation has overcome you but is COMMON  to man, BUT GOD IS FAITHFUL, who will NOT allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, BUT with the temptation will ALSO make a way of ESCAPE, that you may be able to bear it." 

So instead of judging and condemning others for choices they make and sins they commit, we need to first take a look at our own lives and get our hearts right.  Then instead of judging others and our SOCIETY for the way we are living/not living and sinning/not sinning (by our own choosing of course) we should be down on our knees PRAYING and asking God how we can show the loving grace and mercy of JESUS and the power that only comes through his LOVE, GRACE, and FORGIVENESS.  We need to spend more time PRAYING than PREACHING and be a living, breathing example to others what it means to live a life FULL of grace and forgiveness, no matter what our own imperfections and sins may be.

You see we were CREATED in God's image and it is our goal to strive to be more like HIM every day, in our actions, speech, thoughts, etc.  The closer we are to God then then we are more able to exemplify HIS Love, grace and forgiveness.  We live in a lost and dying world who needs to hear the hope that they can have that only comes through life in Christ.  And life in Christ means LOVING others, no matter what their circumstances or life choices may be.  Does that mean we agree, condone or have to support/rally to their way of thinking? - NO.  Does that mean we do not associate with, ignore or cut ourselves off from the rest of the world because they are different than us?  - ABSOLUTELY NOT.  Who did Jesus reach out to, minister to, and spend most of HIS time with ? - the people who needed Him the most - outcasts, sinners, those who society had rejected.  AND He did it all out of LOVE to bring them closer to HIM so that they would know the POWER of Love and forgiveness and so they could share that love and forgiveness with others. 

Well how do we do that when we don't agree and know that someone is doing what we know is wrong?  You reach out to them, you get to know them, find out where they are coming from and where their heart is.  You meet them where they are in their situation and find out their needs and how you can help meet them. Basically you have to HUMBLE yourselves and get out of you own way, step out of your own comfort zone and meet them where they are.

1Peter 5:6-10  HUMBLE yourself under the mighty hand of God, that HE may exalt you in due time.  Casting ALL your cares upon HIM for HE CARES FOR YOU.  Be SOBER, Be VIGILANT, because your adversary -  the DEVIL - walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may DEVOUR.  RESIST HIM!!!! . . . But may the God of grace who called us to ETERNAL glory by Christ Jesus after you have suffered a while, PERFECT, ESTABLISH AND  SETTLE you."

The devil tries to get at us whatever way he can to turn us away from God. We are called to RESIST him and turn to Jesus as an example of how we are to live a life of GRACE and LOVE.

Titus 2:11-15 "For the GRACE of God that brings SALVATION has appeared to ALL men teaching us that, DENYING ungodliness, worldly lusts, we should live SOBERLY, RIGHTEOUSLY,  AND GODLY in the present age, looking for the BLESSED HOPE and GLORIOUS APPEARING of our great God and Savior JESUS CHRIST, who gave Himself for us, that HE might REDEEM us from EVERY lawless deed and PURIFY for HIMSELF His own special people, zealous for good works.  Speak these things, EXHORT and REBUKE with all authority."

People do not need to hear a message of hate, but of LOVE and HOPE.  Jesus LOVES them and there is HOPE in the salvation that only He can bring.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Back in the swing of things - life as we know it

Well it appears to be time for what has become a YEARLY update, instead of the occasional updates, that I had originally intended. But in light of the fact that we have had one CrAzY year, I guess yearly updates will have to do for now.

Our CRAZY year began last year, as what appeared to be a normal Hubbard family summer, but just became one trial and test of faith after another and another and another.
Trey graduated high school, left for Florida and started his first real job. We had our VBS kickoff, went to CentriKid camp and sent Leeann to Colorado for Young Life camp.  While at kids' camp we got the news that our evangelism/outreach pastor had passed away after a yearlong battle with bone cancer, then YL bus to Colorodo continually broke down and had no AC on the way to and from camp.  Emma Faith broke her elbow on July 4th, (just days before we left for camp) but we didn't know it was broken until 24 hours later on a Friday afternoon when ALL the dr offices were closed.
We didn't find out until AFTER we got to camp in Charleston the following Monday that she had actually broken the growth plate off her elbow and required surgery, so I had to come back home that same night to take her to sign paperwork to authorize her surgery.  Needless to say I missed the entire week of camp except the last day, but God had bigger and better things in mind for our youth and I didn't necessarily have to be there for Him to work.

Summer continued on as usual until we started  back to school.  We went on a family vacation to FL to visit Trey and the Hubbard families. and brought Trey home for orientation @ NC State.  He then went back a couple of weeks later to audition for the marching band (since he missed auditions @ orientation) and made it through with flying colors to become and official member of the NC State Wolfpack marching band, and he left for band camp and school the middle of August. All the other kids started the school year off with a bang in Kindergarten, 4th grade, 8th grade, 10th grade and 11th grade.  I went back to work at the elementary school as a kindergarten assistant and bus driver.

Everything was going as expected, until our pastor announced he was retiring at the end of September.  So in just a couple of months time we had lost not one but 2 of our pastoral staff, leaving Artie and our music director as the ONLY ministerial staff.  Even though we have a somewhat smaller church, that was still a lot of responsibility for just 2 people.  Artie had already taken on a lot of responsibility when our evangelism pastor died (visitation, outreach, making sure our older members were taken care of) and then he had to take on EVEN more responsibility helping preach, lead services as needed, funerals, weddings, on top of his regular ministerial duties as youth/children's pastor (Sunday school, wed night youth bible study, afterschool pickup for church on wednesdays, kids church on Sundays, helping with Wednesday night meals so we could feed the kids we brought to church  EVERY Wednesdays.  We also had to deal with a lot of issues within our group/church.

It got to be a LITTLE overwhelming.  Then I had to have some minor surgery, Artie was diagnosed with sleep apnea, then he got sick with what we thought was asthma related symptoms and was also given antibiotics for what his dr thought could possibly be infection in lungs, but his xrays were clear, so she had referred him to cardiologist to check his heart, because he was getting EXTREMELY short of breath just getting out of bed, walking to the bathroom and/or taking a shower.  Needless to say, he didn't make it to the cardiologist because he ended up in the ER and was admitted to the hospital for blood clots in his lungs and was hospitalized for a WEEK. So I also had to miss a week of work and LOTS of sleep taking care of him and ensuring myself that everything was going to be ok and convince myself that God had bigger and better plans for my husband, otherwise he would have already been dead.  You see I had a co-worker who had the same diagnosis with a blood clot in her lungs and she was dead just hours after they discovered the clot. It was a VERY emotional roller coaster ride that week and I felt as if I was being pulled and torn between needing to be with my husband in the hospital, being at home with and for my kids (luckily they had school to keep their mind off of things), and worrying about my job and having to miss work and not know if I would get to return to work for any length of time due to the possible long term care my husband may or may not need once he was home.

Thankfully the cardiologist and hospital dr ruled out any heart condition, but did discover that along with blood clots, he was also in renal failure. He was also put on pretty consistent diabetic diet while in hospital.   He couldn't drive or go upstairs to bedroom for about 8 weeks and was referred to kidney.specialist due to his kidney function.  He was diagnosed with Stage 3 kidney disease and referred to dietitian and ordered to be on a low protein - no sodium diet.  He was later referred to Urologist to check out a "cystic" spot on one of his kidneys, which thankfully was merely a cyst on his kidney that had been there for several years (but he didn't know it) that had not changed).

So he is now under the care of his family physician/PA for his regular checkups, blood work, blood pressure, diabetes, etc;  pulmonologist for his sleep apnea; kidney specialist for kidney disease/function; dietitian to keep an eye on his diet /protein intake.; and urologist for his kidneys.  Needless to say, when school got out for the summer in June I was more than ready to get the heck out of there, because I NEEDED A BREAK and so did my family. I worked my mandatory days,turned in my keys, left school property and never looked back.  Even considered NOT going back when school started, but truthfully we just needed some TIME off , TIME away, and TIME for family.  Thankfully we had postponed VBS until later in the summer, and me and the kids HIT THE POOL at the Y!!!
Summer proceeded as usual - kids camp then a week or so "off"/at home, vacation to FL and another week or so "off"/at home, celebrated Artie's birthday AT HOME - then when we were getting ready to leave for kids camp Satan tried to attack yet again. Just 2 days before leaving for M-Fuge, the day AFTER Artie's birthday, Artie had a TERRIBLE kidney stone attck and ended up BACK in emergency room.  So he went to camp all drugged up on high dose pain medication and other meds to help pass the stone and spent his days in bed while our youth, myself and our other leader went off campus to do ministry/mission work. Thankfully he was able to pass the stone on his own, and was able to be up out of bed for the last day of camp, even though he stayed on campus all day, while we went off campus with our kids!!!!

Even though we had experienced Satan's attacks and endured the pain and discomfort that goes along with it, God still came out on top and set out little groups of 7 youth on FIRE.  We saw the potential for them to go home and literally turn our church upside down and on Fire for God with a GREAT awakening of the Holy Spirit!! After we got home, the summer went on as usual, with kids/youth activities, VBS, visitation, service projects, etc.

School was quickly approaching and Artie was still trying to convince me that I needed to stay home and not go back to work at the school.  Something kept telling me NOT to do that just yet.  I told him, I had been there 9 years so far and needed to at least give it another year before seriously considering it.  I was actually helping with band camp for the 2 weeks before staff returned and got a call about a week before I was supposed to go back.  It was my principal, and she was calling to tell me they were making some staff changes at school and wanted to move me from Kindergarten to EC this year.  I wasn't too sure about it, but basically told her that if that's where she needed me and thought it was where I needed to go, then that is where I will be!!
So I started back to work that next Friday after Faith had surgery to remove her screw from her elbow on Wednesday and we took Trey back to school on Thursday.

Even though I was going to miss my Kindergarten family & wasn't sure WHAT I would be doing or how different it would be from what I was used to, I was actually excited to see what God was going to do.  After a week of school with my new teachers and ALL 50 kids that we see every day, I absolutely LOVE my new position. I feel like I am really making a difference as a TA. I am constantly busy and our classrooms are like a revolving door, as students come and go every day, I know that this will be the most rewarding thing I have ever done for our kids and for me (besides being a wife and mother).

Plus, after nearly a year without a full time pastor, our church is finally on the brink of possibly hiring/calling a new pastor in a couple of weeks, who will hopefully lead our church in sucah a way that we can't help but share the gospel and let people know that the people of Crestview Baptist are seriously in the business of sharing the gospel and doing the work of the Lord to reach a lost and dying community around us!!!

So even in the midst of ALL the craziness, uncertainty and need for reassurance that God is still in control and on HIS throne orchestrating our life symphony, I have come to a conclusion that as long as I have my FAITH, that EVERYTHING is going to work out and me and my family are going to be just fine!!!!

And just as we learned and were reminded of  today in my middle school Sunday school class:
"Now FAITH is the SUBSTANCE of things Hoped for  AND the EVIDENCE of things UNSEEN."  Hebrews  11:1

AND just as we have been trying to teach ALL our youth girls and learn ourselves as adult leaders, we are to be
". . . anxious for NOTHING, but in EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING, make your requests be made known to God.  AND the PEACE that passes ALL understanding will GUARD your hearts and minds until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7.

There is sooooo much more I could tell you and in greater detail, but there is not enough time and space for me to do that right now, plus it is passed my bedtime and I didn't get my regular Sunday afternoon nap today.
So here are yet again on this roller coaster of life with a sophomore in college, a senior - junior - and freshman in high school AND a 5th and 1st grader at the elementary school.  This is actually the FIRST year since Trey began middle school that we don't have ANY children at the middle school.  AND this is the LAST year we will have 3 of our kids in the same school TOGETHER at the same time.
So we are just continuing on with life's journey and trusting God to get us through whatever storm that comes our way.  So please pray for us as we pray for all of you, trusting that God will take care of us and supply our needs in EVERYTHING we face!!

Until next time (or should I say NEXT YEAR) may God grant you joy and peace!!